Picture Perfect

Video about the acclaimed photographer James Mollison directed by Vice video.

British photographer James Mollison in a nice video by Picture Perfect.
Picture Perfect brought James to Kenya, where he was born, to photograph the faces of Dadaab, the world’s oldest and largest refugee camp that sits in the desert in the northeast of the country.

Photography of a gorilla face by the British photographer James Mollison

Photography of a gorilla face by the British photographer James Mollison

After being born in Kenya in 1973, the photographer moved to England where he spent his childhood.
He studied Art and Design, film and photography in prestigious British universities.
Alongside many of todays talent, he spent some time creating art at Benetton’s Fabrica in Italy.
His photographies have been published in some of the best publications around the world, from The New York Times to The New Yorker to Le Monde, among other.
His artworks were also exhibited in top galleries like the Hasted Hunt Gallery in New York.
His personal works include a book about the infamous gangster Pablo Escobar, which inspiring story is shown though hundreds of photographies he gathered.
Bellow you can see one of the picture taken from his art project called Apes, which has been exhibited at the Natural History Museum in London.
A book called James and Other Apes was later published in 2004.

More about the talented photographer James.

Learn more about the artist, and watch the inspiring video of James Mollison directed and produced by Vice Video: